About wff
The WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION or WFF, is an International Bodybuilding Organization formed in 1968. the WFF Promotes Classic or Athletic Bodybuilding with a Focus on the Aesthetic Quality of the Physique as Opposed to Just Muscularity.
The WFF was founded in 1968 in Germany by Klaus Hoffmann. The early WFF events were promoted within Eastern Europe, however throughout the 1990s international interest in WFF events drew support from far and wide and today the WFF is supported throughout every continent. Graeme Lancefield became the World President of WFF in 2013, taking over from Hoffmann upon his retirement. 2016 saw WFF expand into the US with the WFF Universe being held in Orlando, Florida. In 2018, the WFF World Championships were held in Huntington Beach, California and were hosted by celebrity bodybuilder, Lauren Powers.